Intellectual Property

Our lawyers handle disputes relating to patents, trade marks,copyrights and designs. Cyprus, being sensitive enough overintellectual property rights offers a wide range of legal protection.The Cyprus Trademarks laws are governed by Cap. 268 and the relevantTrade Marks Rules, which are based on the English Trade Marks Act andRules of 1938. Cyprus is also a signatory to the Paris Convention forthe protection of Industrial Property and has also ratified the Treatyand Regulations of WIPO concerning Trade Mark Law.

Get in touch

Elena Constantinou & CO LLC
No. 4 Annis Kominis Str.
Soleas Building
8th Floor
1060, Nicosia

  (+357) 22757735
  (+357) 22375967
  (+357) 22375952
  (+357) 22375943

or use the online contact form.

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